Integrity, Policies & Rules
The safety of children and young people in our sport is paramount. We want swimming to be fun, enjoyable and safe for all. All of us in the Australian swimming community have a role to play in ensuring that we keep our proud sport as safe and enjoyable as possible.
Integrity in Sport
National Integrity Framework
Peel Aquatic Club is fully committed to Swimming Australia's National Integrity Framework (NIF) and the protection of children, young people and our members in our sport. We encourage all of our members and volunteers to familiarise themselves with the policies and to raise any concerns or issues of child safety with our Management Committee.
The NIF is made up of six documents:
Complaints, Disputes and Discipline Policy
Competition Manipulation and Sports Wagering
Member Protection Policy
Improper Use of Drugs and Medicine Policy
Swimming Australia National Integrity Framework
Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy